Tuesday, 28 February 2017

27 days of hell

Bailed - finally.

The matter of my bail became quite an issue. So much so that I had enough time to work from IEP Entry to Standard, and even start some training - not sure how useful call centre experience would be in the future though.

Nonetheless, after an application yesterday ex-parte, supported by a bundle of evidence which the CPS did not object to after being notified, I'm now home again, since 6.30 last night, albeit with a tag round my ankle. Tag Bail suits me, each day on tag counts as 1/2 day of sentence, so essentially counts as a day inside, as you only serve 1/2 of your sentence in any case,..

Without discussing the case further, my barrister is of the view that the CPS didn't object to Bail because they know the case is going to die. Given the evidence to support my long-since declared alibi is building up further and further, it's not going to be hard to seek this matter dismissed.

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